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Brainstorming 1

Just imagine

  1. Close your eyes and relax. Think of the book you have read.
    Think about the characters, the setting, the plot, .........
    Imagine the details. What do you see, hear, feel, smell, think about...?
  2. Close your eyes and relax. Think of the book you have read.
    Think about links between the novel and events in your personal life or events you have read about, watched in the news etc.  What does the book remind you of? What associations do you have?
  3. Close your eyes and relax. Think of the book you have read.
    Think about your response to the book's message. Did you gain any insight about a subject, or do you suddenly understand something ... while you were reading the book? Did the book make you act differently in any way or change your plans for the future?
  4. Close your eyes and relax. Think about the book you have read.
    Think about the author. Imagine a meeting in his house, in his living room. You are having a relaxed conversation. You feel fine because talking to him/her is easy. What are you talking about? Which topics come up? What do you say? What does he/she say?


After each step, do either a) or b)

a) Open your eyes and exchange your ideas in your group.
b) Open your eyes and jot down as much as you can in two minutes. Be spontaneous! Don't stop to think! Just keep writing. Put all your papers in the middle of the table. Then read and react to what your team members have written down.



Brainstorming 1: Herunterladen [docx][13 KB]

Brainstorming 1: Herunterladen [pdf][37 KB]


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